We all love to enjoy the great outdoors here in Breckenridge. There are so many things to explore and discover from sunrise to sunset. As you hike, bike or enjoy any outdoor activity, there are many things to keep in mind to keep you and our environment safe.

Here’s a list of Breckenridge wildlife do’s and don’ts…
Be aware of your surroundings at all times
No matter where you are in Breckenridge, you can experience wildlife. Moose, bears, fox, mountain goats and deer have all been spotted even right on Main Street. Make sure to keep a lookout and be prepared at all times! If you’re on a trail, be on the lookout for animal tracks.
Prevent wildfires
Our fire danger is currently very high and open fires are prohibited in Summit County. The town requests that you refrain from burning, even if it’s in a fire pit.
Give the wildlife space

No matter what wildlife you encounter, keep your distance. If you see a bear, back away slowly. Be loud and make yourself known if the bear sees you. Many are used to people around here so they should mind their own business.
For moose, unless he or she has a baby nearby, it will likely leave you alone. Moose can charge if you get too close so always stay back at least 30 feet. Phone cameras have a great, quality zoom so stay far back for a photo or remain in your vehicle.
Don’t leave trash out
Our wildlife is notorious for barreling over trash bins and tearing bags apart. This makes a huge mess, can attract more animals and ultimately causes litter when the wind blows it away. Be sure to lock up your trash, keep it in the garage or dispose of it in an enclosed dumpster.
Watch for animals crossing the road
This goes hand in hand with being aware of your surroundings, but we’ve seen many animals try to cross the road right into traffic! Be careful and use your brights when needed.
Don’t feed the animals
Never feed our wildlife. This can harm the animal, its surroundings or you. We have seen many guests feed our friendly town foxes, but please leave them be. They will still run around and get close enough for you to observe.
Also, remember to maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet with other people on the trails
Wear your face coverings and social distance in the outdoors. Some Breckenridge hiking and biking trails are high traffic so be sure to protect yourself and those around you.
We want you to make the most of your stay and enjoy all that Breckenridge has to offer. We also do hope you experience our Colorado wildlife, just at a safe distance. Looking for hikes where wildlife is frequently spotted?
Ready to plan your trip to Breckenridge? Check out our lodging, perfect for you and your group…